Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vegan Christmas Dinner: Perfect Apple Pie

Finish your vegan Christmas dinner with a classic, made-from-scratch apple pie. For best results, make this the day before your holiday meal. Serve warm with a gigantic scoop of vanilla soy or rice "cream," if available.

Perfectly simple Vegan Pie Crust:

* 2 cups flour
* 1 tsp. salt
* 2/3 cup Nucoa or Butter-Flavored Crisco
* 5-7 Tbs. chilled water

Have an 8 or 9 inch pie plate, pastry cutter or sturdy whisk, rolling pin & waxed paper prepared.

Sprinkle a tablespoon of chilled water over a tiny part of the mixture. Gently toss with a fork & push to the side of the bowl. iterate method until all is dampened, & collect dough in to a ball. Divide dough in half, forming each piece in to a ball.

Combine flour & salt in a immense mixing bowl. Cut in half of the shortening product using a pastry ble.nder (the tip of a sturdy whisk works well), until mixture resembles corn meal. Cut in the remaining half until mixture resembles  tiny peas.

Peel off top sheet of waxed paper. Transfer dough to pie pan, arrange, & carefully peel away remaining waxed paper. Fill pie. iterate the rolling & transfer method with the second ball of dough to make top crust. Crimp edges together with fingers or a fork. Wet a sharp knife & carefully cut four vents in top crust, radiating from the middle.

Place a immense section of waxed paper on your rolling surface & dust lightly with flour. Place a ball of dough in the middle & flatten slightly, smoothing edges. Dust dough lightly with flour & cover with another giant section of waxed paper. Roll dough between the papers, from the middle outwards, until 1/4 – 1/8 inch thick.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Apple Filling:
* 5-7 tart, green apples
* 3/4 cup sugar or artificial sweetener
* 2 Tbs. flour
* 1 tsp. cinnamon
* 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
* Dash salt
* 2 Tbs. Nucoa or Butter-Flavored Crisco

Pare & core apples & slice narrow. Combine all ingredients except shortening & mix with apples. Fill prepared bottom crust with apple mixture & dot the top with shortening. Add top crust as historicallyin the past described & sprinkle with sugar for sparkle. Loosely cover crimped edges with foil to prevent over-browning.

Bake pie for 30 minutes. Take pie from oven & remove foil. Return pie to oven for another 20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown. permit pie to cold , then cover with foil & store until prepared to serve. Warm pie in 250 degree oven for about 10 minutes before serving, if desired.


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