Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Timeless Food Wisdom in Witty One Liners


Healthy eating plus physical fitness go together, but there's no magic foods that cause you to be one hundred percent healthy by  eating the one food. No, you need a variety of foods from each of these food groups each day. It's also important to watch the portion size so as not to overeat. Make your mealtimes pleasant plus relaxed occasions plus your healthy foods will work effectively together with your healthy emotions to give you a healthy body.


You may like all types of berries or  one or six favorites, but you can seldom go wrong by adding a few fresh berries as a fast energy snack or frozen berries made in to a appetizing smoothie in lieu of calorie loaded desserts. Berries are high in vitamin C across the board, but some are high in other nutrients as well. select ripe blueberries for vitamin C plus heaps of anti-oxidants for the health of your circulatory process. Gogi berries are less well-known but are wonderfully rich in plenty of of the nutrients your body needs to be nutritionally plus physically fit.

The foods of the citrus relatives are widely known as a valuable source of vitamin C. select fully ripe citrus fruits for the best nutritional value plus select citrus as close to the tree as possible. Tree ripened fruits picked at the peak of perfection plus consumed with hours of picking give you the top nutritional rating. Try grapefruit for breakfast. Add a dash of fresh squeezed lime to your salad as a dressing plus enjoy slices of orange with coconut in a light honey dressing for dessert.


The variety of vegetables is wonderful. For individuals who are vegetarian or vegan, choosing vegetables to be part of a nutritionally sound diet is a lifestyle. Your vegetable group provides plenty of of the minerals necessary in a nice diet. For example, you may realize that potassium is necessary for healthy nutrition. plenty of people claim the benefits of potassium present in a single banana. But did you know, you can also get adequate potassium in your diet by eating a stalk of broccoli? Try a salad of fresh young spinach topped with pine nuts plus stirred with lightly cooked penne'. Feta cheese as well as a light vinaigrette dressing to generate the ideal light luncheon meal.

Whole Grains

Like plenty of other of the best foods, choosing  one type of whole grain for your meals doesn't provide all the variety you need to be nutritionally sound. Often, mixing six or more whole grains together will give you complete proteins. For example, brown rice plus wheat kernels with a spicy seasoning are a popular dish in plenty of countries.


Salmon is lean fish plus nutritionally one of the best fish choices. it is rich in Omega-3 oils that are noted as helping improve the functioning of the brain. Salmon baked whole with  lemon or lime as a seasoning makes an wonderful main dish or a hearty luncheon featured menu item. Salmon is also often present in chilled seafood dishes.


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