Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Ongoing Duties of a Blog Master

Here are 3 important duties of the administration of any weblog that is publishing content with the intent of gaining some type of reaction from readers. and by the way, that ought to ALWAYS be your intent!

A weblog master wears many hats when it comes to maintaining the site. weblog posting is probably the most recognizable function any blogger has since this is what actually attracts people. In fact, by publishing content, a blogger initiates other 'duties' or 'responsibilities' that are more subtle but yet every bit as important. The final intention of any content introduced to readers is to teach, tell or stimulate their thoughts in some way.. When this happens they will return and  often will post comments in response to what they have viewed. At this point the 'ball is rolling' and now the site owner will have other 'duties' as a result which are intended to encourage the interactivity of the running a blog platform.

Content Creator

As mentioned above publishing content to the weblog is where any type of interplay will start since without it nothing happens. This is the primary responsibility of the site administration, but it is not to say the just one. When developing information to be placed on the site consideration needs to be given to it relevancy and also what type of content may draw a response from readers. When people post comments you have struck a cord and a buzz has been created.


As 'hinted' at above consideration ought to be given to what type of posts may draw a reaction from readers. You require to initiate some type of discussion, but it can only start with people reacting to what they viewed, therefore it is up to the content to 'initiate' this method. An entry about a known sensitive subject or perhaps one that takes a less than popular stance is always a lovely bet to receive a response. The point is you require to stimulate or provoke thought,  so that it will motivate people to post comments!

Once a discussion has been initiated it will be necessary from time to time to 'reignite' it with a comment that may be an opinion or insight. Another important aspect of coordinating productive discussions is to try and filter out as much of the distracting spam as you can. People do not like or need these unproductive distractions invading and possibly defusing their discussions.


A weblog master has many roles in the operation of their site, the most recognized one being associated with weblog posting itself. However there are other, more subtle duties to be managed that help encourage the interactivity of the platform. Upon publishing content, the site administration will often see people post comments in response to what they read. When this happens a weblog master now takes on other roles to help coordinate and encourage discussions in the event that they appear to be constructive and enjoyed by other participants. The 3 important duties discussed above are the responsibility of the platforms administration to help initiate and prolong the interactivity of the site. By doing so viewers can better enjoy the give and take experience which is why they're there in the first place!


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