Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog Marketing – Choose Passion Over Popularity

Let's look at 3 compelling advantages you would have choosing a passion over popularity when selecting your weblog theme.

When electing to enter the field of weblog promotion lots of decide to be guided by the popularity of a niche as the basis on which to build their theme. Now short term this may appear like the right thing to do since it may be simpler to generate traffic, but that is over the short term. keep in mind, the more popular the market the more competitive it will even be. You will be competing with a few of the most popular blogs around who are more established & authoritative while also likely more informed about the niche. However in the event you were to instead pursue something you were more interested in & passionate about wouldn't that make your weblog posting simpler? keep in mind you won't be making money overnight so plan for the long haul!

As already mentioned it takes time to create a loyal following on a weblog so therefore you are going to need to wait & see & persistent together with your weblog posting. in the event you decide a subject or theme you are interested in your enthusiasm level will be high giving you the motivation you need.

Enthusiasm is Already There

People need Useful Information

Since it is assumed that you are more informed about a 'personal' interest or passion is it not safe to assume your weblog posting would be of higher quality as well? When people have a true passion or interest about something they have a tendency to 'give it their all' in terms of hard work. In this case, hard work can be thought about willingness & enthusiasm to research & learn. This of work is passed on with each posting.

Instead of being 'money' motivated your efforts are driven more by a deeper purpose which will be reflected in the content you serve up to your readers. you are truly interested in what your are walking a blog about therefore what you offer readers will likely be more insightful & thought provoking. This in turn will serve a greater purpose for them! you are not  reporting 'rehashed' news but also supplying perspectives readers may have not thought of otherwise! This is much more engaging!

Serving a 'Greater' Purpose

weblog promotion is a field where a powerful following & loyalty must first be established before you can expect to make any money. As tempting as it may appear to decide a popular market on which to base your weblog theme, you will be competing with a few of the most popular blogs online. Early on it may be relatively simple to generate traffic due to the market popularity, but this will be only short term. finally you can expect the more popular blogs to 'crush' you due to the authority they have & the knowledge they possess. On the other hand, since making money takes time anyway, does it not make more sense to follow your passions for the 3 reason they discussed above? Your weblog posting will be simpler, & in time your site & popularity will grow making it simple to generate traffic as well. All this by sticking with something you are already passionate about makes me think there is no other direction to even think about when selecting your theme!

TJ Philpott is an author & web entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. To learn more about the need for passion when weblog promotion & to also get a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques basically visit:http://blogbrawn.com/


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