Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Step-up Your Online Business With Dedicated Servers

Many company owners get confused by the terminology of shared or dedicated web-site hosting. there is a giant difference between the three and the one that is right for your business will be contingent on a variety of factors. These can include the size of your business, your level of IT expertise and also your budget. When trying to figure out which option is best for your business, it's helpful to understand the essential differences between the three.

  Bandwidth and Disk Space Resources

  Cost Considerations

  This is fundamentally what defines shared or dedicated hosting. A dedicated server will have disk space that that is solely apportioned to your company web-site. You won't be sharing bandwidth with other web-sites or businesses. Shared hosting was introduced for miniscule and medium-sized businesses that do not need extensive bandwidth or disk space resources. Several web-sites are hosted on the same server and share the resources of that server.

  Security Concerns

  The reason shared hosting was introduced was to be able to offer a more affordable hosting solution to smaller companies. By apportioning the disk space resources to several web-sites, each web-site pays a reduced rate for their disk space. Companies that opt for shared hosting may do this because of cost considerations.  The additional administration and support offered by these designs can often free up staff to handle other tasks. When considering the costs of salaries and training staff, shared hosting may well show to be the most cost-effective solution.

  Control of Your web-site and Server

  When sharing a server, you cannot guarantee that the other companies on the server are as vigilant about their web-site security. Their lax approach to security could leave your site vulnerable to viruses and hackers. there is also usually less support in terms of server backups and there's often lower levels of security on shared servers. Dedicated servers offer companies the highest levels of security. Because you are the only web-site, you can set your security levels and benefit from server back-ups and catastrophe recovery.

    On a dedicated server, you have complete control over your web-site. This means that there's fewer design and application limitations and far less security concerns. On a shared server, you may be limited in the scripts that you can use. You will also need to conform to the apportioned disk space and may need to use a specific type of application for your web-site design.

     Levels of Support Provided

this relies on the type of shared or dedicated plan you choose. In general, because we are simpler sites, shared servers offer  a basic level of support. Dedicated server packages offer often higher levels of technical support and expertise.

  Help Desk Accessibility

  A nice hosting provider ought to have 24/7 support availability irrespective of what type of package you are on. However, most often this service is only available to dedicated server clients.  The reason for this is that a dedicated server requires constant monitoring and management of the network.


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