Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Social Networks Are Excellent Free Traffic Sources

By posting links on popular social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, you will achieve a greater click through level to your web-site, or affiliate/CPA offers, comparable to paying for marketing, either on the social networks themselves (such as Facebook’s pay-per-click platform). what is the reason for this?

This is true based on the fact that people, like you and me, have a general hate of being sold something or advertised to in a generic manner. On the other hand, people tend to be much more inclined to take the reference of a mate who suggests or recommends a product or service.

When a link is posted, often sites like MySpace or Facebook, will review your site and try to discover a relevant thumbnail to insert next to the link. That said, make definite to make use of a site like or to put relevant or representative images so that it gets people to pay attention. I often post links to personal blog posts that I make and I always receive a better response when there is a thumbnail picture next to it.

When you post a link on your social network profile you are effectively recommending something to your friends and you will get  high click through rates. With this in mind, it's  important that you don't post links to sites which would be of no interest to someone outside your niche otherwise even your friends will cease clicking on your links.

Most social network sites also let you post  a few sites on your bio page which others can see when they are your mate. Take advantage of this because someone you add as a mate in your niche is likely to come along to find out more about you and in the event that they see you have a web-site on a subject they are also interested in then you are  likely to receive a click.

This ought to go without saying, but be a little bit cautious about the type of sites you post to your social network profiles. For example, unless you are actually a Lawyer, telling your friends to visit your site about how to represent yourself in traffic court, they are likely to be met with concern that you could generate such a site when you are not legally trained to do so!

You will also discover that there's probably specific social networking sites targeted at various niches. Sign up to these sites and become a valuable contributor and you will soon find that it starts to drive traffic to your site.

In closing, one thing you must seldom do is spam your friends, or other social network members, along with your web-site or offer links and make definite that you think about the people you are marketing your links . Are your Facebook buddies or Twitter followers really going to have an interest in your new site about Scuba Diving –  in the event that they know you can’t swim!


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