Wednesday, January 12, 2011

London: British hostage, "probably" killed by U.S. bomb

British Prime Minister, David Cameron on Monday that British aid worker killed in Afghanistan, but killed by a bomb fired by U.S. forces while trying to save her from her captors.
He said British Prime Minister, said that the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, has ordered an investigation to try to rescue the failed British Nurgerov last Friday, which had been kidnapped along with three Afghans on 26 September last, in "Chaukai", in the state " Kunar "in eastern Afghanistan.
David Cameron has issued a statement about the incident, said that the decision to edit a particular hostage by military means "is always difficult, but it is right to try to do with our allies, as there were British lives at risk."
The British military officials and NATO, "NATO" had said earlier, that Linda Nurgerov, aged 36, was killed when he blew her abductors themselves, which is favored by a British government source as well, denying the existence of any evidence that the hostage killed fire set by the U.S. Special Forces tried to edit.
And Saturday, said British Foreign Secretary, William Haigh, that Nurgerov, which was working in one of the international relief agencies, killed in the hands of her captors while trying to edit, pointing out that the rescue attempt came after information was received that there is a threat to her life.
He said Haigh in a written statement: "Through coordination with our allies, we have received information the place where Linda held, and decided that, in the light of the danger that was facing, and this attempt is the best possible chance for her release, according to that information."
He added that "the responsibility of the final tragic lies with the captors, since the first moment of her abduction, her life was at risk of imminent and, in light of the nature of people who have hijacked, and the danger they were facing, we have decided that the best option to save her life, the implementation of the attempt to liberate them."
An intelligence official said that the Afghan Nurgerov was hijacked by two of the leaders of the "Taliban", and Bayer, Mullah and Mullah Kftan, indicating that they were killed during the military operation to rescue the British hostage.


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