Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Company "Alstom" the French will build a power plant in southern Iraq

Signed a French industrial group "Alstom" in Baghdad, a memorandum of understanding to build a power plant capacity of 1200 MW in southern Iraq.
The company also signed an agreement to this station the company has built in 1975 in the city of Najaf as well as training of some Iraqi engineers and technicians.
French Ambassador Boris Buyon, told AFP: "Alstom has signed a protocol agreement on Wednesday in the production of electricity with the Iraqi government."
In a statement released in Paris, Alstom explained that this agreement covers three projects with the first delivery of Closed station to generate electricity in the city of Basra.
Buyon said, "This facility has three units, each with a 400-megawatt project also provides for the delivery of electrical centers."
"The second project covers the rehabilitation of power plant 180 MW power in Najaf and was" Alstom "built in 1975."
According to sources close to the file, the building of the power station will cost between $ 1.5 and $ 2 billion.
A third project deals with the delivery of several power stations in various locations in Iraq.
And up the production of electricity in Iraq to eight thousand megawatts, but the demand in the period of high temperatures exceeding 14 000 MW.
The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had emphasized during the past period it can not fully solve the problem of electricity before it enters the new plants under construction come into operation within two years.


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